Tuesday, April 21, 2015

R is for...Jezebel?

Jezebel is taking over the Untethered Realms blog today for the letter R! Stop by and see what mischief she stirs up for the group. Oh, and the punch bowls are filled with her specialty. Be sure to bring your own cup!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A to Z April Challenge at Untethered Realms!

I'm joining my fellow Untethered Realms authors in the A to Z Challenge this year and I invite you to check us out. Short and sweet graphics for each letter of the alphabet will be there for you to ogle. I have the letters "H" and "T"...and a special guest appearance on "R" day by Jezebel! Stop by and say hi to everyone. The punch is over on the side table for all to enjoy!

Click here for the A to Z April Challenge at Untethered Realms