Monday, August 31, 2015

Polish Those Femur Bones...

...and get ready for the drum roll! 

Death and Chronos (and me!) are pleased to announce the launch of their new novella, Just Another Day in Purgatory.

What’s the book about, beyond the wacky fun and crazy misadventures of our fearless duo? It’s about friendship in the midst of insanity. Trying to find order in the middle of chaos. Living life on the edge and having fun while doing so. It’s about having someone’s back, no matter what.

I’d like to think it has heart. I hope you think so too. Best of all? It's only .99!


Hell freezes over. Heaven heats up. A resort springs to life on the banks of the River Styx and souls don’t want to move on.

Nothing scares our intrepid immortals—except a run-in with a scissor-wielding Fate after messing up the Great Tapestry. She’s the only one capable of cutting their Life Threads.

It’s just another day in Purgatory for Death and Chronos as they sort through the mayhem and keep the universe from spinning out of control. Be sure to bring along your helmet. You never know when Death might offer you a ride on his Harley.

Amazon / Apple / Barnes & Noble / Other Links

And if you haven't read the first one, Living the Afterlife - a collection of flash fiction, it's free!


  1. Death, Chronos and you are no happier than I am. I have been, I have bought, and I will savour.
    Thank you.

    1. EC - Death, Chronos, and I are doing a happy dance! Thank you! Please savor with a bowl of peanuts and a glass of Jezebel's punch. :)

  2. EC, I have already savored Purgatory. At one point Death reminds his buddy Chronos that "time is on our side." And so was I.

    1. Ron - Death and Chronos (and me!) thank you for such an awesome review!

    2. I am jealous Ron. Except that my plan is to save it - and guzzle it when I have some leisure.

    3. You're in for some good guzzling, EC.

    4. There's even a cameo role for a penguin in it... ;)

  3. I still have to read the collection! Oh, so many books, so little time. But your book is on my list and I'm getting closer to it! :)

    1. Chrys - Yay! Thanks so much for your support. :) I know what you mean about time and toppling piles of books. The best thing about the first collection, Living the Afterlife, is they are all flash stories - little bites of fun to snatch in a free moment!

  4. Awesome! Congratulations. Dig those guys.

  5. Got my copy! I can't wait to read it!

  6. Downloaded and read my copy. I want more!

    1. Thank you so much, Ellie! Death and Chronos want more of the limelight too. ;)


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